Root Canal Treatment in one visit

Root canal treatment

Root Canal Treatment in one visit

What is root canal treatment?

What causes root canal pain?

“ one visit technique for root canal treatment is the most successful and comfortable way of treatment that you should have in a dental clinic”

How do you know that you need root canal treatment?

Root canal ​ treatment procedure

It is a multistep procedure that involves removing the infected or inflamed tooth pulp, cleaning, shaping the canals and then filling it with root canal filling material.

By traditional ways of treatment these steps are performed through several visits to the dentist and with low success rate.

But nowadays with the new technology of rotary instruments, apex locator devices and the use of Laser in endodontics, we can provide this treatment only in one visit with a higher success rate.

What is apex locator device?

It is a device that helps the dentist to reach the proper length of the canals without the need to take several x- rays and expose you to a high dose of radiation.

What does Laser Assisted RCT help in increasing the success rate?

Because , Laser radiations improve the disinfection efficacy by eradicating microorganisms inside the root canals more than that is done by conventional techniques.

Root canal after care: